Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Business

Spring Cleaning Tips

In last week’s blog, we helped you spring clean your home. Our spring-cleaning team is in full force again this week, as we address a few tasks specific to your business. Remember to tackle one area at a time and break the large goal into many small ones.

Declutter. It is difficult to be efficient at work with clutter everywhere. Take inventory first, toss or donate what you will not use or sell, and create a sustainable system for what is left.

Deal with paper. Paper clutter is a unique (and terrifying) monster. Deciding what to keep can be difficult. Shred and recycle items like old client files. Scan and save what you can digitally. For the rest, create a system with binders or files.

Digital Dump. Even digital clutter leads to a sense of frustration and reduced productivity. Create files for the items you need and trash the rest. Always name your documents and files so that you know what’s in them without having to open them first. Digital storage is ideal for keeping your computer clean and for sharing files.

Let the sun shine. Thoroughly clean all sources of natural light, such as skylights, windows and doors. You’ll be surprised at the difference it makes in your mood, and your energy costs, when you let the sun shine in.

Shine and sparkle. Clean those light fixtures until they sparkle; you will experience more light from fixtures free from dust, bugs and film. While you’re at it, switch to more energy efficient bulbs to save money. Remember, Branham Electric can help you determine the most energy efficient solutions for your business. 

Evaluate your systems. It may be time to “spring clean” an old system out of your business. As technology advances and your business adapts, you need an electrical system and a voice/data/video system that fit your needs. We can meet those needs.

Improve safety. Decluttering improves air circulation, creates clear walkways and eliminates any hiding spots for would-be criminals. A safe place for your employees and customers, as well as protection for your inventory, is an important part of your businesses health; contact us about security monitoring, we will come in and provide you a free security assessment.

Add a touch of beauty. Improving your working space can actually boost your spirits and your productivity. Consider a fresh coat of paint to brighten up the room. Do some research on which colors boost productivity, brighten the room, or help with sales. Also, add a few plants to improve air quality.

Now that your home and office are sparkling clean and clutter free, you can go and enjoy some spring time fun!

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