Photovoltaic Solar Power

Photovoltaic Solar Systems

Capture The Sun and Savings with Renewable Solar Energy

Photovoltaic solar power can cut your utility bills, eliminate peak use charges and protect your company against further rate increases.

A company that helps conserve energy also gains positive perceptions with customers, prospects and the public.

Branham Electric offers an array of solar solutions so your business can save the day.  Literally.

Our solar solutions include:

  • A free assessment of what could be your best ROI under the sun.
  • Knowledge of potential incentives and tax credits – and how to act on them.
  • A strategic design customized to the unique features and orientation of your building.
  • Highest quality solar panels and components from leading manufacturers with warranties as long as 25 years. Don’t be fooled by some of the inferior solar panels our competitors call “top tier.” They’re not.
  • Expert installation by a NABCEP Certified PV Installer. The NABCEP is the most rigorous and widely recognized certification body in the solar industry.
  • Web-based, real-time solar monitoring, along with training and scheduled maintenance.

Call the experts at BRANHAM ELECTRIC for a free, no obligation, solar energy anaylsis.

Free solar energy saving assessment.

A free solar energy savings assessment is just that: Free, as in no charge. Savings, as in energy and cost. Assessment, as in, an honest appraisal, not a “sales” call. If your company is already doing everything right, or if your situation doesn’t require our solutions, we’ll tell you. The assessment is still free with no-obligation.

Call 636-926-2001 to schedule your FREE solar assessment today.

Tim Branham Earns NABCEP PV Installer Certification!

NABCEP PV SealNABCEP is the most respected, well-established, and widely recognized certification organization for North American solar professionals. NABCEP was founded with the mission to support and work with the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries, professionals and stakeholders to develop and implement quality credentialing programs for practitioners.

NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professionals stand apart in a crowd by raising the industry’s standards which promotes consumer confidence. A NABCEP certification represents the “gold standard” for photovoltaic/solar industry. Certification offers you, the public, the highest degree of protection because practitioners voluntarily meet high standards and qualifications to pass NABCEP exam.

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